"Celestial Marriage"

In the following discourse, Elder Orson Pratt presents the doctrinal and revelatory background for polygamy, which he refers to as “plurality of wives,” or “celestial marriage,” though the term “celestial marriage” has much broader meaning in Mormonism. The reasons he gives in support of the practice of polygamy can be summarized as follows:

1. God has commanded it through living prophets.
2. Mormon doctrine teaches that mankind lived before this life as spirit children of Heavenly Parents and that God desires his children be born into good families here on earth; hence polygamy allows more spirit children to be born into the Kingdom of God on earth. This idea is similar to that expressed in the Book of Mormon, Jacob 2:30.
3. To obtain the full blessings of Abraham (to have a posterity as numerous as the grains of sand or the stars in the sky), which Mormonism teaches can be extended to all the faithful, a person should obtain posterity both in this life and in the life to come.
4. God intends to build up the Kingdom of God here on earth. To do that, He needs to send his “noble and great” leaders (see Abraham 3:23) to earth within His Kingdom. Polygamy therefore allows more spirits to be sent.

Elder Pratt further notes that because abuses can occur, God gives the authority over this power to only one person on the earth at a time, and that person, according to the Revelation on Polygamy, is the President and Prophet of the Mormon Church. No one else can authorize a polygamous marriage. (Public Announcement of Polygamy)

Celestial Marriage Elder Orson Pratt, August 29, 1852.